Answers to Faq

In a Nutshell

General Membership Q&A

What are the key deadlines in the membership timeline?

Something is always happening at the Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce! The LACC Calendar of Activities » page will give you an idea of what a typical year looks like. The year "starts" in October with our Membership Campaign Drive.


How do I vote?

Every eligible member is allowed one ballot. The specific details (ballot content, dates, etc.) may vary each year. See Annual Meeting Page » for details.

Every eligible LACC Member in good standing(*) is allowed one ballot. The ballot must be returned in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope either by mail or by dropping it off at the designated location(s). The specific details (ballot content, dates, etc.) may vary each year. See Annual Meeting Page » for details.


(*) Good Standing to Vote in 2023 means that LACC Members are current on their dues with the Chamber.
The keyword “current” refers to full or partial dues payment. Please contact us to discuss options and ask any questions.

How do I attend the meeting?

The information about annual meeting will be published online, on LACC Event Calendar as well as in the local newspaper and on social media. You will need to register (RSVP) to attend and to receive email with detailed information (i.e. access link if the meeting is taking place virtually). To register, click the REGISTER >> button located at the Event Calendar page and fill out the simple form.

How do I submit question?

We welcome any questions you might have pertaining to the Chamber. See Annual Meeting Page » for the direct link and fill out the form before the deadline. Be sure to attend the online meeting to hear the answer to your question. Please note, you must RSVP in order to attend the online meeting.


How will the meeting take place?

Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce will be holding this year's annual meeting virtually, via Zoom. This will allow you to attend the meeting, no matter where you are.

What kind of device will I need for the meeting?

You will simply need a computer, tablet or smart phone capable of browsing the internet.

Do I need to download an app or create an account before the meeting?

Simply click the link (provided to you in the email after registering) and follow the instructions.

Is there a password to join the meeting?

There will be no password to join, simply click the link that will be provided to you after you register to attend the meeting. Please note: In order to get this email, you will need to RSVP to the event. See reverse side for instructions on how to RSVP.

What will I have to do during the meeting?

Just listen and watch. When you join, you will automatically be in 'listen only’ mode.

Do I need a camera on my computer?

No. You do not need a camera on your computer in order to attend the meeting, however it will enhance your experience at the meeting.